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Welcome to my web site.

Everything is possible. You just need to have a wish to try.

personal info
My name is Artur Pietruk. I'm 37 years old male, living in Koluszki, Poland. I am graduate of Math Department of Lodz University, specialised in computer science. Since 15 years I work for Hewlett-Packard, currently as world wide hp.com operations support&development team leader. Before that, I worked for 4 years as webmaster, and later, the head of web development, for PDi (Polish internet service provider, later acquired by TDC, then Netia).

interests and hobbies
computers, programming, networking, graphics, unix, amiga, digital photography, rock music, playing guitar (classic and electric), hitchhiking, mountain bike riding, traveling and meeting with different people from different cultures.

Here is quick info of what you can find on my page:

  • dynfw - Ever wanted to generate ip tables rules for host that has dynamic IP...?
    dynfw is a script to control access to specific port on the server, allowing access for defined hosts with dynamic IP addresses, using dyndns service. Requires ip tables. Latest version allows to configure access for static IP entries as well.
  • davfs - SSL client certificate support for davfs. Allows you to connect to WebDav resources that require client side SSL certs to authenticate with server.
  • quick .htaccess howto - If you want to know how to build base authentication .htaccess.
  • motorola A1000 on linux - Few tips to get your Motorola A1000 palmtop phone cooperating with linux

Few links to interesting places and my friends websites:

BlankVob for Unix - simple tool, that allows you to create blank (black screeen, no sound) VOB files, you can use for DVD authoring. Unix/Linux version coded by Jedi.

Forek's page - my brother's website.

NameLess, the Jedi - my friend's website.

Supersonic - Nocman's kingdom ;-).

Cat's world - Lontail's website - Myk-Myk ;-).

©2025 Artur Pietruk